Hi. If you have reached this page it is because you have purchased a findCar GPS device for cars, you have received it correctly and you are going to activate it.
No subscription should be contracted if the device is not in front of you, since it is essential to assign the subscription to the device received by means of the ID that appears on the back of it.
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Do i need a subscription for my FindCar GPS?
FindCar GPS locators use mobile networks in your country to send the GPS location of your vehicle to FinCart’s servers, and from there to your mobile smartphone or via the Web. Therefore, there is a cost for the transmission of data by mobile phone companies in your country. That way your vehicle will always be located with worldwide coverage.
how does it work?
Once you receive your FindCart GPS device, you must choose your subscription plan from those on this page, and then you can activate your FindCar GPS. You can choose from the options available for the coverage period with the payment interval you prefer. The subscription will be renewed in the indicated periods.
Can i cancel my subscription?
Por supuesto. Puede cancelar su plan de suscripción en cualquier momento. Como la suscripción se paga por adelantado, podrá cancelarla en cualquier momento antes de su vencimiento para que no se le renueve. Puede hacerlo accediendo a su cuenta, o por el formulario de contacto. Más información en nuestras condiciones de venta.